where is everybody
I'm here.. just lurking ..
I jump online
every once in a while to see if ANYTHING exciting is happening.. but.. nothing ever does...
No more Studmuffin to pick on seems he's fallen off the face of the earth...
Hot Nana is out on the town being " HOT " I'm sure!
Kathy is just to busy being sexy and playing with Seabiscuit to be bothered with us ...
Jen ignores us now ... and..... Rachel is busy at school doing "teacher stuff" ...
Lord only knows what happened to Melissa... I heard she's doing that nasty thing called WORK during the day... ewwwwwwwwwwww!

I rock..!!!
Hi Anita. I am here every morning - as long as I get up on time
(can't go on at work).
I think everyone is busy with holidays and family and friends this time of year. Every year around now things slow down and then pick back up after the first of the year. Truth is, we probably need each other the most during the holidays because that is when it is the hardest to stay good.