Do you love where you live?

I really enjoyed reading your response. It is evident you do love where you live. You and Susan certainly make a persuasive case for Charleston/Summerville. Great info on the med centers. having an actual name is extrememly valuable in seeking out new grad programs.
Thank you very much!
I am in Charleston and love it, now. I grew up here and could not wait to get out after college. Needless to say I moved back in 1996 and would not dream of leaving. Not too sure about living in MB, love to visit.
We are not as bad as GA in way of the drought but it is pretty dry here.
OH, warning, in the summer here, the heat can be brutal!
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Hello there! Well I am a cali girl.. living in a lil tiny town called St. George, about 40 minutes from Downtown Charleston (if theres no traffic) I live in the ultimate SMALL TOWN!! it has it perks... like for instance I have two small children... and people know them... know my family so theres a real community feeling. But its a commute to get to anything... thats the bad thing. But then again... at night, I can sit on my porch and its DEAD quiet outside and every star God created is right there! So we stay in our SMALL TOWN. As a commuter I suggest the Summerville area. Real Estate is reasonable, there are two MAJOR hosiptals nearby and you dont have to deal with DOWNTOWN!. Dont get me wrong... Downtown is FUN and all... but this drought is temporary so when the rains come... and they will come.... DT floods. I dont know about you, but I dont want my Nikes soaked to my socks before I can get inside. There are lil towns surrounding Charleston, like Goose Creek, MOncks Corner, Ladson... these are smaller towns that have lower crime than Charleston itself.
The crime in Charleston is really isolated. ... dont let it scare you away. Good Luck with your search!