Update...and RANT feel free to join
I know it is not Thursday and I am by no means Kathy (since she is the one who started the Thursday Rant Post but I need to get this off my chest or I will explode)...
in case anyone wants to know...
I know I have been kinda MIA lately and it has not been because I have been busy, which I have. I just started to slow down over the last 2 weeks and will pick back up over the next few days. But I have had computer trouble since the beginning of Oct, I am waiting on a rush ordered Dell because the last 2 computers I got from Best Buy were BIG OLE LEMONS! Never get a HP, I went through 2 in 6 weeks. I am now waiting on a DELL to be rushed, hopefully will be here today, it was shipped last night. I should have never gone anywhere else other than DELL. I am actually working on my old DELL that I have a feeling is on its last leg, after all it is 4 years old. I got the new VOSTRO which is designed for Small Business owners, no trialware included. I also got all the warrenties I could on it. So bottom line, always get a Dell!
On top of all this, I had to take 2 dogs to the vet, different clients, because they got sick. One REALLY sick, I thought I was going to lose him. Broke my heart! He was VERY sick and spent 2 days at the vets office. The other one was still her normal self just having on controllable diarrhea. Sorry to be gross.
Now my phone is ringing off the hook because people just do not plan ahead for their pets at holiday time. They expect me to be able to take them on at the last minute, so sorry. I am booked. I am meeting with one new client that called last night because it is an emergency, so she says, but I have to take her word for it. I am also having to switch up house sitters on another client, luckily I have a back up person for house sitting, so I can take on an exisiting client that found out instead of family coming here, they can travel. So the stress of the holiday season begins... Why do people not think about their pets when they make their travel plans? Someone please explain that to me. If you know you are going out of town and you are not taking your animals, shouldn't they be at least on the list of things to do before you leave? One would think. But NO and another thing, yes te*****ally I am a baby sitter for pets, but that does not mean I work like a regular baby sitter. There are forms and things that have to be filled out and instruction, detailed instructions, that have to be written down. You can not just leave a key under the mat and expect everything to go fine, what if the dog does not like me, I have found one dog that just did not like me, luckily not a clients dog. And I have found plenty of cats that hate me. But those cats hate every one. I do have 1 christmas present. WOO HOO!!! OK that is my rant, anyone else want to join in... Please feel free I hope every one has a Happy and Stressfree Thanksgiving, Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!

Jimmy Buffett