Serious - anyone "afraid" to eat?
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb

That is so strange what you said about the nuts because a day or two after I posted this, I went to CVS to pick up some more Flintstones Vitamins (yabba dabba do!) and they had a sale on Deluxe Mixed Nuts. So I thought "what have I got to lose?" And I now take one at a time, chew it 'til it's mush and it goes down real easy. I especially love cashews so they tend to run out first. I've also started drinking more tea (decaffeinated usually) and found a French Vanilla that I love. Warm stuff does work much better.
Thanks so very much! Your support is appreciated more than words can say -
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb

Life is too short for drama & petty things, Break the rules! so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, Love truly, forgive quickly and never regret anything that made you smile.