on 11/1/07 11:24 pm - PA

1. I love shoes! I'm expecting a box from Zappos today ... AND I'm heading out in a bit for some "looking" at GB and Off Broadway!
2. I love this time of year ... I love setting the clocks back an hour and feeling like I just got some "free time".
3. I love going out with my best buddies ... listening to music, enjoying a glass of wine, and talking & laughing the night away.
4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that next week I will know what it feels like to hold my very own Granddaughter!!!
1. I love cool windy mornings when my husband warms up my car for me and brings me coffee 2. I love going to the country and taking a walk in the woods with my dad 3. I love that I am going how to ride a horse tomorrow, something I've always wanted to do, but been too big to before 4. I love my girlfriends who "Get It" and "get me" without any thought. 5. I love hugging my first baby who is now taller than me by a lot, but still says "i love you mommy" Happy Friday Mary
2. I love it when I can go home early.
3. I love it when I can be creative and watch others enjoy my efforts.
4. I love when I see med/large, I can grab it on the cheap rack and not sigh because they do not have my size.
5. Love my parents even thought their retirement is driving me nuts.
6. I love the support I get here, even when I am a slacker and not here for a while.
7. I love my 4 legged "Baby".
Thanks for reminding us to be thankful for what we love Kathy, so we all love you.