Much better today!
Well, I have to say, I feel much better today than yesterday, so I am hoping that the worse part is behind me now. I got up took a "bird bath" and washed my hair, so that helped . Today is DH's 56th birthday, he finally caught up to me, lol. I don't know how I would have made it without him. He is the love of my life and makes an excellent nurse, maid, and support person. Poor guy has had to wash my butt too, since it hurts to try and reach those partsthat are unseen.Today is my youngest granddaughters birthday which
is at 2:00 today, at Golden Strip skating rink and I will have to miss it
. Her birthday is Oct. 30 and she is turning 6. This will be the first time I have ever missed any of my grand kids birthdays.My daughter brought both of the girls over last night and one gave me a coffee mug with hot chocolate and coffee packs and the other brought me a candle. They were both facinated by all the tubes and wires hanging out of me, but it didn't seem to gross them out. They asked me lots of questions about my surgery, so I thought that was neat that they had an interest in what I had done. Tristyn, the birthday girl, would loved to have taken the bandages off to see how I look under them .My daughter says it looks like I might be smaller than she is, lol. a first ever for me, since she has always been so skinny, and now age and time has added a few extra pounds on her too, but she still wears a 10 and at 5' 7'' she looks great even with a little extra weight on her.
Damn pills are making me ramble worse than normal, so I guess I will finish up now. Everyone take care and thanks for all the prayers and good wishes everyone sent my way.

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
Hey girl,
I can't wait to see me too, lol. It's all I can do to keep from pulling the bandages off, but he said to leave them alone till I go back to him Tuesday afternoon. I do plan on posting pictures and I might get brave and put befores on, but I will only let certain people look at them, it's embarrasing to think that other people I don't know would be looking at them.
Hugs and kisses!

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
OK, OK. I get it now, in such a polite way. your saying I ramble even when I'm not on pain meds, huh? Yeah, you know who your friends are, LOL! Just kidding Tammi, I know I tend to talk alot and type even more than I talk sometimes, but believe it or not I use to be a very quiet , shy, and timid
person when I was much younger, but then again most babies are that way,lol. Yeah my youngest granddaughter would definetly love to take the bandages off, she loves stuff like that, she is so much ,like her mom and me, quiet, shy, and timid, LOL! NOT.
Take care sweetie and I hope to see you real soon.
Love ya!

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
mary!!! its so good to hear youre doing well!!! you posted the day after plastics thats awesome! IM glad you had a great experience with Dr Lovette.. when you see him tuesday do me a favor and ask him what the process is for me if i am "approved" for panniculectomy and cancelled surgery and want to switch doctors?? i havent felt very comfortable with dr suber since reading all u said about everything, including not being able to find where he is board certified.. maybe this all was a sign for my not having it right now! THANKS !!! :) Hope you continue to feel better!!! (((((HUGS))))))
Hey sweetie,
I am doing great so far, everyday gets better and better. The pain wasn't near as bad as I anticipated, the worst part is in the abs where he tightened them and some burning that feels llike it might be coming from around the drains. I haven't had the first "UNVEILING" , LOL, so I guess tomorrow will be the day I get to see it all. I did peek under one of my boob dressing and can see the nipple area, and that looks fantastic, it's not even red or swollen. I am having some drainage around the lower abdomen right above my pubic area, but again, it's not as bad as I thought that would be, either.
Jen, I feel bad about giving you second thoughts on Suber, but sweetie, I just worried like hell about you, because I still never got one positive response from anyone about him. Kathy was the one who mentioned to me that he wasn't board certified, it actually never even crossed my mind until she told me that, and I can't find anything saying he is. I will ask Dr. Lovett tomorrow for you about the insurance and hopefully everything will work out with that. I know I tend to be superstisous, but just the fact you had to postpone yours twice made me even more skiddi****ruly believe that things happen for a reason. I have had so many things like that happen to me and it always turned out for the best in the end. I will let all of you look at my end results so you can see how his work looks. I still can't believe it's over and I am going to have a new body to show off ,lol. I'm sure some people think I am nuts for doing this at my age, but I really needed it. I haven't felt good about my looks in so many years and always felt like I was an embarrasment to my kids and my DH. I know that they love me no matter what , but when you don't have a positive outlook on your self, it affects everyone. Sonny has never in 37 years, said anything negative about how I look, thank god he loves me anyway, and you all know he has been the best for support throughout the whole transformation.
Well, look , I have ended up writing a novel again and I still blame the meds I'm on, LOL.
I love you Jenn, your still my beautiful " ANGEL"

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
Thank you mary!!! :) Dont feel sorry for telling me those things.. its something that i noticed online that he wasnt on any website as certified, and i thought "SURELY Dr bour wouldnt recommend someone who isnt certified" But evidently he does! That AND The fact that I was paying almost 9 grand for a breast lift and the "EXTRA" the insurance wasnt paying for the tummy tuck.. IS CRAZY And I wasnt getting implants.. they were gonna cost me another 4,500 bucks in a couple of months! SO All the factors worked out like they did , and now looking at all these aspects i know i made the right decision. SURE I would love to have it OVER WITH but i was terrified, i never felt a "peace" about it like with WLS.. I want to feel comfortable with the surgeon completely.. And i wasnt.. he was really nice though but that doesnt help in the OR... (and we know he's not nice in there! LOL) And you said ppl think youre crazy bc of your age.. LORD NO I DONT!!! Women want to feel good about themselves no matter what age they are.. and you deserve this!!! Look at all youve accomplished in your life. its time for MARY to get rewarded!!! i hope your tummy and boobies look fantastic!

I don't talk too much about it, but I had a very bad experience with the Dr who did my tummy tuck. He also charged "extra" for things with the tummy tuck, extra for muscle tightening although he said I didn't need it. He was also going to charge extra for a "lift" after my breast reduction.
After I found my current plastic surgeon I found out that usually that stuff is included. He does not do a tummy tuck without a tightening and my boobies are lifted more now that they've ever been. I agree with Mary, go with your gut instinct and all happens for a reason. Let me know tomorrow how the 5 day is going. I'm starting tomorrow. Mary
Damn girl, you would be paying more for yours than I did for mine. My grand total was $11,702.00 and that was for everything. it would have been $12,602.00 if I had the implants done with it, but I didn't want them.
I was terrified too, much more so than with the GB, but I think it had more to do with the pain involved and not the surgery itself. All in all the pain hasn't been bad, nothing like i expected. The worse part is when I try to lie down and get back up, but it is still bareable, i just make sure I'm staying on top of the pain with the tylox and flexeril.
Take care!

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett