I'm back!
Hey everyone, I wanted to post yesterday but, we didn't get home until 6:30 last night, and needless to say, I was just wanting to go to bed, so I took all my meds and crashed, lol. All in all I'm doing great. The only thing that hurts ,so far, is in the abdominal area where he tightened the muscles and it's not so much pain it's more of a burining feeling than pain. My boobs don't hurt at all and the rest of me is a little sore with buning. I just took the pain meds for the first time since I got home.The surgery was started at 8:00 and finished at 4:30.
I have 4 jp drains and the pain pump to lug around. I can't really tell how much smaller I look, but
dr.Lovett said he removed 11 pounds off my stomach. So if that's how much he removed then I sould be able to get into a size 10 or less, I hope, lol. I had a wonderful experience with Dr. Lovett and his nurses. They let Sonny stay back there while he did all my markings so he knew where he was placing the nipples and where he was cutting including the areas he was liposuctioning Thank god he let me have a gown on while he marked me, even though he had to lift it up,, I still didn't feel uncomfortable standing there in front of him since the gown covered me some. The gown was one they attached to a warmer so I didn't get cold. They had trouble getting the IV in since my veins are small,so the anestheseologist had to do it and he stil had to stick twice to get it. He even pushed me out to the car even though he had his nurse and Sonny there with him, He hugged my neck after he got me in the car, and told me I will be very pleased with how it tuned out. He also called us last night and this mornig checking up on how I was doing. That's a first for me, usually`they have their nuses call back, He is awsome and he helped in making Sonny feel more comfortable about the whole thing since he was so nervous. I will reccomend him to anyone wanting plastics done.
Thanks for all the prayers , it makes me feel beter knowing people care about me.
Jimmy Buffett
on 10/26/07 4:38 am - PA

Jimmy Buffett