Anyone going tonight? How is Mary
Hey it's me! My surgery is the 25th, Thursday morning at 8:30. Sonny will have my cell phone so your welcome to call and check up on me. My number is 238-9095. The surgery will take around 8 hours and I have no clue how long I will be there afterwards. Thanks for thinking about me! I hope I will see you all real soon. I was going to go to the meeting tonight but our baby (dog) got real sick yesterday and we spent all last night at the emergency clinic where he had to stay the night and now he is staying at our vet. They said he has pancreatitus from us giving him table scaps one time on Saturday. Never again, so far this has cost us right at $ 600.00 and thats just at the emergency place, no telling what our vet will charge. So pray for both of us please. I can't stand the thought of losing him, he is the most awsome pet we have ever had and Sonny's best hunting buddy ever. Sonny is so distraut over it and feels it's all his fault his baby is sick., and now I'm going under the knife so he is doubly worried.
Take care and I will keep you informed on my recovery. Love each and everyone of you, your all the best friends anyone could ask for.

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett