Optifast 800 Vs Unjury Protein
I went to my first nutrition class yesterday and now I am weighing my options for the 4 week pre surgery diet. I don't have to start yet I am just researching. From what I have read it seems like the unjury powder gives you more for the money. I compared the fat, calories, protein and carbs on each and unjury came out on top for me. I did try my free sample of the optifast today though and I have to say that it tasted pretty good, I thought it would taste like slimfast but it really wasnt bad at all. I might order some samples of the unjury powder to check it out also.
If anyone here is on or has completed the pre-surgery diet what option did you choose?
Dr. Bour must have changed the pre-op diet. I didn't have a choice it was optifast only. I loved it for the pre-op, but didn't care for the one for post-op, it was too sweet for me. I use Unjury as my protein suppliment now, but I couldn't stand the taste of it right after surgery. It's nice to know he offers options with the pre-op diet. Good luck deciding and good luck with your surgery.

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
Yeah, we weren't given a choice when it came to pre-surgery diets. And I didn't have a problem with the Optifast, I thought it was tasty. Like Karen, I used the powdered stuff, except for one week when I was traveling and I paid extra for the pre-mixed. After surgery, I tried to use Unjury products. They all made me gag. But almost every protein supplement made me sick after surgery. Don't know if I would have had the same reaction pre-op. I can tolerate the Chocolate Unjury powder now, but it's still not as tasty as the Optifast was.
Like Dawn said,the cost of the optifast was included in our $2,500.00 fee, we didn't pay extra for it unless you wanted the pre-mixed. I used the powder and mixed it myself. I'm amazed that things would have changed that much in a year, but I guess anything is possible. Make sure your understanding what expenses you are going to have before you start in the program or you might find yourself in a bind when you have to have something that is required but you can't afford it, like the vitamins that you will have to take for the rest of your life. Mine cost me $25.00 a month, so make sure you figure that in to your budget since this isn't an option, it's manditory that you take them. Also, you will have to use protein suppliments that aren't cheap either. I'm a year out and I still use them alot. Also, everytime you have a post-op appointment with the doctor you will have to pay your co-pay just like a regular doctors office visit. I didn't know that until I had my second post-op with him, because the first one was free right after surgery, the other are not., I thought they would be included in that fee also. Just ask lots of questions, that's what they are there for. Good luck with everything.

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett