LOL, this is halarious! Well, I have at least one thing to ***** about so here goes.................
This is for all of you out there that commute to work via I-385 north bound between the hour of 7:00 AM and 8:15 AM Monday- Friday. First of all, where in the hell did you learn to drive? Has anyone on that interstate ever taken a driving test and passed? Do you know what the word MERGE means? Is it necessary to come to a complete stop to gawk at a vehicle stopped on the side of the road, or a fender bender, or just to let someone who is suppose to be MERGING into traffic get in front of you buy stopping in traffic that is going 80+ miles per hour? Do you know how much fun it is to have too suddenly slam on the brakes because you decide to be a nice person by allowing ten cars that are MERGING to get on the interstate while you come to a complete stop. How about those of you who can not do more than one thing at a time, but are trying to drive while talking on a cell phone, putting on your makeup, drinking a cup of coffee, turning around slapping your kids in the back seat, or apparently trying to get work done, that you took home to finish and didn't and you have a 9:00AM deadline to meet, and it appears that your using your laptop in the passenget seat to get it finished and viola, you look up to find the idiot that is letting all the cars MERGE has stopped right in front of you causing the fender bender that will have trafic backed up until 10:00 AM now, and make me late to work because there is no possible way to get the hell off the interstate and I have no choice but to sit there waiting for everyone to go around you and each person stopping to look at you and thinking how sad it is that you had a wreck and making sure your not someone they know or just being plain nosy. Yes, I am talking about you, you know who you are, and every day this road rage builds up inside of me as I'm sitting there wanting to get out of my car and grab you by the throat and kick your azz because I had never been late to work in over 30 years until I had to start driving on I-385 and now I have several tardies because you are one dumb, air headed ,no driving fool, who should not even own a vehicle or have a license to drive one.
OK, I'm done and feel much better now.
