Thursday Morning Rant (LONG)
on 10/18/07 12:36 am - PA
Its insane. And the scary thing is I'm getting to be a little like my mom. and my dad gets crazier and crazier. when I graduate in a year, my parents and family are having a huge blowout. Of course its tinged with guilt, my Aunt told me that she's been waiting 20 years to have my college graduation party. My grandmother was the original steel Magnolia. She had a standing appointment every Friday to have her hair done by Pansy. This appointment could not be missed. All trips and functions were planned around this appointment. I was little and worried about how much $ my grandfather spent on these appointments, I asked my aunt about it and she said Mary, It doesn't matter because he just has to keep her happy. I think she was a tad demanding. She always told us that she couldn't wear flats, she had worn heels her whole life and was unable to walk in flats. THAT DOES NOT EVEN MAKE SENSE, BUT I STILL BELIEVE IT
Anyway, I will expect all of you at the graduation bash and you can join the craziness. At least they believe in liquor
on 10/18/07 1:17 am - PA

Kathy, girl, this is a gooooood thing!
My rant for today is: I have invited my dad to meet me at work today for lunch, I am taking him. He, who is one half of my 'parental unit' who never approved/ agreed/ supported my decision to have this 'easy way out' and have surgery. He, who has NOT SEEN ME SINCE I CAME HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL!!! I have sent pictures recently of me via email since I have lost 53 lbs....NOT ONE FREAKING RESPONSE FROM THEM
so WHY am i inviting him to lunch??? I dunno, I thought therapy had fixed this, but I have this innate feeling of responsibllity to please them all the time...but nothing i have ever done has pleased them.
Just call me a glutten for punishment!
Anyway, if I can survive my lunch hour today with him....I keep telling myself, its just ONE HOUR.
on 10/18/07 1:29 am - PA
I rock..!!!