hey yall..
Bless that baby's heart! I am so sorry you are having such a wide river of crap to wade through, Jen. But the pediatrician is right ... there's no way you should be considering the PS right now. The whole MRSA thing is getting scary!
Just use this time to focus on what's most important. And slow down, if you can. I'm thinking about you, and if you can think of anything I can do to help with things, I wish you'd call me ... because I will be there. You are so special to me, and I really hate to think that things are so difficult for you.
Be strong as long as you can. And then when you can't be strong anymore, call your friends ... we'll come and hold you up until you can be stong again.
(((( Love ))))
I'm so sorry to hear your baby is sick. I hope she gets better soon and that you have your hellish week behind you. Jen don't mess around with the MRSA, it's not like a regular staff infection. MRSA is running rampant especially in the hospitals. A lot of the infections are aquired while being a patient in one. Just ask your grandmother-in-law about how bad it is downtown at St. Francis, and I know its bad at GV Memorial. Definetly put your surgery off until you get clearance from the doctor and you might want to consider getting checked before you do have your surgery, just for safety sake. Take care sweetie and know we are praying for you.

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett