Am I A Failure?? 1 1/2 yrs. out!

on 10/16/07 10:52 pm - PA

Melissa R.
"I can resist anything but temptation"
Melissa got it right. You are most definitely NOT ALONE.
I had a hysterectomy a few weeks before you did, and we had our WLS surgery a month apart ... we should be in constant communication with each other! I'm glad you posted because it does feel better to know that someone else is having the same sort of struggles. That doesn't mean that I'm happy you're having a hard time ... you know that. But when you're alone in your home, away from all the friends who've "been there, done that", it's easy to convince yourself that you are THE ONLY ONE who is not perfect. What a lie that is!
I, too, am "forgetting" my vitamins more often that I remember them. And I have no explanation. I'm not eating smart either. And lately I'm not even coming close to getting enough water in every day. It's like HOW STUPID CAN I BE??!! I've been through so much, had so mu*****redible medical care, and so much love and support from everyone ... and I can still so easily slip into old behavior patterns with food and caring for myself??! I'm so STUPID! I spend part of almost every day dumping on a bad food choice. And in the "dump afterglow", I always tell myself that I won't EVER DO THAT AGAIN. But as soon as I feel like myself again, the head hunger is back. And I'm always ---> <---- that close to giving in and making myself sick AGAIN.
And I've been in the same place as you, emotionally, lately. It's typical behavior for me ... only I usually go through this black time in mid-winter, after the holidays are over. It hits every year like clockwork, and I have come to expect it. And I recognize it for what it is ... DEPRESSION. Only this year, it's here early. And it seems crazy ... so much is "right" in my life now... I look better than I have in YEARS, my first grandchild is on the way, my kids are happy and healthy, I finally have GOOD friends (something I have never been able to say before now!) ... so why do I cry when I'm driving in my car? Why do I go back to bed after the house empties out every morning? Why do I make myself sick every day? What a mess.
I wish the psychologist at Dr. Bour's office was a bigger part of the solution. When I signed up, and paid the money, I assumed that if I needed them, I'd call, make an appointment, go and talk, and VOILA! I would be fixed. Ummm. No. No on the easy appointments, and No on the quick fix.
All I know is this: we can't give up. Life is short ... but I'm not ready for mine to end. I'm only 48! You know, this whole "friendship" thing is sorta new to me, but I think we'd all feel a bit better if we leaned on each other more. Isolating and hibernating is how I used to deal with depression, but it doesn't work. We need to try a different way!
I am proud of you too ... Proud of the incredible transformation you've made in your appearance, and proud that you had the backbone to reach out and write this post. You are SUCH a wonderful lady ... a great Mom, your husband adores you, and you are fun to be with! That is NOT the way I describe a failure.
As long as we're still breathing, we're "in progress". We're not done yet! But we really don't need to be trying to do this thing alone.
Do I hear an "Amen"?
"To change and to change for the better are two different things."
--German Proverb
I'm sorry your feeling so down and miserable, hormones can do that to us. I take them everyday just because I suffer so bad from hotflashes without them. As far as taking your vitamins, you need to get them in everyday, and the way I remember to take mine is by using one of those pill keepers that have a bunch of little compartments. I put all the meds that I take each day in it and it holds a months worth. That way I know if I have taken them or not, no guess work. Also, so I don't have to remember different suppliments, I normally take the optisource bariatric vitamins, I take two with my breakfast and two after supper.They have everything you need in them, so you don't have to buy the calcium or B12. I have other things I take at those times also, so it's easier for me this way. I am having my plastics next week and they started me on a vitamin pack made for anyone having anykind of surgery. I have to take 3 in the AM and 3 in the PM, then 3 days before surgery I start taking another pill that helps with brusing and heals you faster, and after surgery there is one more to start on that I have to take for 2 weeks. So as you see, with out my pill keeper I would be losing my mind
having to keep up with it all, this way they are all there each day, no thinking about if I took them or not. I was also told I had to increase my protein and I started that a month ago with Unjury again. All of this is important for the healing process.
I sure hope you get your hormones straightened out soon, it sucks to feel like your feeling. Please start getting in your vitamins so you don't end up sick. Take care and god bless.
Jimmy Buffett