Plateau buster/ Gall Bladder Surg
No, I do NOT recommend this route. 3 days in the hosp for dehydration on top of the infected gall bladder. But I lost 7 pounds in 5 days! I just want to thank everyone on this board who kept me in their thoughts and prayers. Suzanne, Congrats on your new grandbaby!! Jennifer, you were an angel with chap stick! Guess what guys, Dr Baker and Dr Byrne were my surgical team and they said that my gall bladder was the 2nd worst they had ever seen! I guess it's fine to be distinguished for SOMETHING. Sorry it took me so long to post but I'm just getting my energy back. They opened me right back up along my RNY incision. Went to walmart today with the parents just to walk around. WAHOO. Hope you guys are doing great and happy hump day tomorrow!
Do or not do, there is no "try"---Yoda
Glad to hear you're doing much better. Congrats on the 7 lbs. Don't think I want to lose it that away tho. Hope you get you're energy level back up soon. I had that same problem after my RNY but once I got it back I was up and ready to do any and everything.
I didn't know you got a drain with gall bladder surgery too? Dang are they doing drains for all surgeries now these days? I hate those things.