LCBBers Thursday Night Meeting
Hello LCBBers. I know I have been absent the last 2 meetings, but have had a good excuse. I promise to be at Pizza Inn on Thursday night and hope to see you there.
I would like to know how many people are still interested in meeting on Thursday nights? If you would rather switch to the Saturday meeting, once a month on Thursdays, or whatever your preferences are, please let me know.
Love and miss you all!
Hoping to make it this Thursday. I keep trying to come, but with my hubby's schedule it is hard to plan. Plus it is Adrian's cranky time of night. I still have my sister here with me so maybe we will try to come. She lives in CT and is actively trying to get approved there. So we can both use the support and info you can all give us!
What time does it start again?
Wish I could, but busy busy busy this week especially during that time, sorry Hopefully I will be back closer to the end of the month. I am taking care of 2 diabetic dogs that get their shot right at the same time as the Thursday meeting.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!