Today I'm thankful/happy for.....
Jimmy Buffett
1. I am thankful for health insurance (my daughter had an abcess that I was sure was some odd foreign bacterial infection that she got from a grocery but it wasnt... and my pcp is the best) 2. happy that my cough is almost gone 3. thankful for my friends/family that remind me not to sweat the small stuff 4. Im happy that my son is back to football practice (sore ankle was nothing serious) 5. and happy that today is Tuesday, which is much better than a Monday!
1. I am thankful for pain medicine which makes kidney stones almost bearable 2. I am thankful for my family who deal with my craziness and still love me. 3. I'm thankful for all of my supportive friends 4. I'm thankful for WLS, which turned me into a new person and led me to this board and you guys GREAT post Colleen, glad you are better. Mary