this is it. tommorrow is the big day
Ok well im about to go to bed. and when i wake up in 6 hours im heading to the hospital for my so nervous and scared and anxious and plain old freakin out!. i cant tell ya'll how many times today i have said to myself am i doing the right thing? im so hungry from fasting i feel so tired i just want a double cheeseburger from Mc donalds. but im afraid i'll never eat another one of those again. Ok this has turned into a whining session...sorry ya'll..anyways. this is it. im going in first thing in the a.m. wish me luck!....i'll post again soon!
No Problem, that is what we are here for. I don't remember how I got the ticker on, LOL. I thought that was what kids are for. My daughter did it, LOL. I think you have to have your signature open and then go to ticker factory and cut/paste it. I'm not sure cause I really am a computer idiot.
Tammy P.