~introducing myself~
Welcome Rebecca
You will be a loser before you know it. Did you ever think that being a loser would be a good thing? Make sure you have some chap stick with you for when you wake up, you will have a very dry month and it helps, also remember, sip, sip, sip. In the first month, especially those first few weeks dehydration will put you back in the hospital faster than anything. Make sure you have crystal light or lemon juice or some way of flavoring your water, it will make it easier to get it in. Sugar free popsickles work great as well, especially if you are really thirsty because you will no longer be able to gulp down the liquids like you can now. Keep a water bottle handy at all times, my even goes into stores with me. Take it easy! You will get tired very fast and that is completely normal.
You are on a wonderful journey, I am 18 mths out and it was one of the best decisions of my life.
Lastly do not be afraid to ask questions, any and all questions, because those of us that are post-op have been there and had the same questions. We are here to help each other.
Good luck on Monday and make sure someone keeps us posted.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Double ditto on everything Julie wrote! I'm going on my 3rd week post-op & tho every day is a small challenge - it's so worth it. ~ sip, sip, sip (I carry my little bottle with me EVERYWHERE) ~ do everything they say to do ~ get up & start moving around as soon as you can ~ walking really helped me get the meds out of my system quicker than anything & I felt so much better ~ stick to the post-op diet - you'll feel like you're learning to eat all over again & GUESS WHAT?! YOU ARE! ~ keep posting - this is the most awesome support system I've found because if one person hasn't gone thru it - another one has... We're here for you, Becca!! {{{Hugs}}} Hellen