I can't believe that I have been approved and have a surgery date already, NOvember 6. How amazing is that. I've been reading all your messages, and it seems that you all have been on an amazing journey. Can someone tell me if the feeling will change, or maybe I'll get scared right before the surgery. How about the pre-op diet? Was it hard to stick to. Please someone send me some pointers on how to get to this new birthdate. Love all you SC Girls.
Congratulations on getting your approval and surgery date, and welcome to the board. Yes, this is definetly an amazing journey, but well worth everything that we have been through, good and bad. It is the best thing that I have ever done for myself and I would do it a thousand times over.
The pre-op diet depends on your doctor. I had to do one month on Optifast, which consisted of drinking the optifast shakes or the soups and having one small meal a day, which ever meal we chose to eat regular food and limited amounts and types. For me it was easy because I loved the optifast shakes and after the first day I didn't get hungry. I think the first day was pretty much a head thing with me, sitting at work watching everyone eat while I drank. After that day it didn't bother me at all. This helps prepare you for what lies ahead for the first couple of months after surgery. We had to start on clear liquids which I was on for 9 days. Then it was on to full liquids, much better since you have more things to add like cream soups and puddings. I was on it for 11 days. Next came pureed foods, I had trouble eating things that looked like baby food, so I did cheat and chewed my food until it was almost liquid, you will learn to chew, chew, chew or pay the price of the food sticking ,feeling like you swallowed a watermelon and eventually puking it back up. It's strange having to learn how to eat all over again, no more gobbling it down like its going to jump off your plate, just slow small bites and chew, chew, chew. After you get on soft regular foods, it pretty much becomes very clear what agrees with you and what doesn't. I'm very fortunate again that nothing really bothers me, other than I can not eat anything with sugar alcohols in it or splenda (unless its a very small amount, and I mean small, 1-2 grams at the most).Now that I am 11 months out, I eat everything that I enjoyed before surgery just much smaller amounts. It will be a hit or miss thing when trying out different foods, so take it slow.
Your fear of having WLS is normal, I doubt anyone has not been afraid to some point. A lot of "what if's" will pop up and make you wonder if your doing the right thing. Just remember what your doing to your health being obese, to me it was well worth any risks involved and this surgery is no different than any other, just the outcome is different, being able to take control of your health and enjoying a whole new life.
Just take it a step at a time, continue to stay on this forum, and ask a lot of questions no matter how trivial they may seem. Keep in mind everyone is different and has different experiences with WLS, but I'm willing to bet, you will not regret doing it.
Keep in touch and best wishes for your new "birth".
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
I am so excited for you.
This is not always easy but definately worth it. As you can see from reading posts I still whine and complain a lot and I'm almost two years out. It has changed my life so much for the better.
I was terrrified before my surgery, my before thoughts are on my profile. I wish I had been much more detailed. My surgeon didn't require the preop diet, so I alternated between eating everything in sight and trying to eat healthy for surgery. I remember the day before surgery I decided I better stop because I didn't want Dr Byrne to see what was in my stomach.
Please post and ask anything you want. We're all here for you.
Thank you wonderful ladies for your replies to my post. I will get my packet from the dr. office in a few day. I know I have to go to a nutritional class for about 4 hours, and I will get my post op diet information then I think. I it strange how some drs. require a diet to shrink the liver and other don't. Well what ever I have to do, I will do it. I the type of person that I rarely let things get the best of me, and I will see this through also. I will be a detailed as I can about everything because I want to remember or have some documentation of my journey. I have been keeping a journal since the early 90s, and this should be an extension of that. Hope your first day of the week is really great, it is year end here in my office and I'm swamped. Be blessed today.