Tuesday Pity Party
First off Jenn...Good Luck on Thursday, I know you will do great! I will be thinking about you. If I can make it up there in 2 weeks we can compare swollen bellies. Congrats on the quitting smoking, I have been cig free for almost 10 weeks and I am about to go nuts. But I have not had one. My eating picked up so much I actually gained 5 - 10 lb before surgery when I wanted to lose a little more as well. But that is a side effect of quitting smoking is the weigh gain. But like you said, I am going to work my tush off getting those 5-10 lbs off. 3 lbs came off with the TT so that leaves 2-7 lbs to go. Hope to see you when I come up, if I do, still in the air but planning. Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
We miss you too!!! I am about to head out for the next pin cushion session.
I have wanted to get a pack of cigs so bad lately. You are not alone in the quitting smoking or anything else in this world. I just want 1 cig, just 1. URG
Cant wait to read the update posts, It will probably hurt since it hurts to sneeze and laugh, even 3 wks post op. Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
nothing could taste as good, as being thin is gonna feel