Hey Y'all!
Just wanted to say hi!
I haven't been on the board much. Life is crazy right now and basically if it doesn't get done before 6 am or after 7:30 pm, it just doesn't get done! At my new job I can't even get on the computer during the day so....there we are. But I miss you guys and think about you all the time. I wish I could make it thursday nights but by the time I drive from downtown to goose creek and back to North charleston it would be 7:30 and that's the kids "official" bedtime.(we don't always make it.) Hope to see y'all soon and have a great week!
PS...only 5 pounds till the century mark...YAY!

Do or not do, there is no "try"---Yoda
Hey girl! Good to hear from you. Thanks God my life has calmed down some since I quit The Citadel. If you and Susann met for lunch some time call me, I am on James Island and would love to met with you guys.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!