Home - Tired - Happy - Weak
I am home folks - in my own bed, my own chair & doing fine. Debbie is the best caretaker a person could ask for. Last night (my first night home) I took some pain meds, slept 4 hours, got up, took some more, went back to sleep, did this one more time & got up about 9am. So far I've emptied my drain twice, drank some juice, and watched a little tv. I promise, I'm not overdoing it. As soon as I finish this post, I'm going back to my living room to nod off a while. Gonna get some protein in me & some vitamins, calcium, B12, etc. slowly but surely. I do still feel like a Mack truck hit me, but I know this will ease off quickly.
Thank-you EVERYONE for your kind thoughts, prayers & visits. It was soooo fantastic to see Robin, Rebecca & Kay! I'm sure I was a horrid sight, but luckily friends don't care...
Love to you all! Gonna go crash now...
{{Hugs}} Hellen
Oh Hellen, I am so glad that you are home and doing good.
Thank you so much for the tickets to Atlanta. Trent and I went and had a blast. We did take pictures and notes. The one thing I did learn was how important it is to stay involved with a support group. I also learned that you should weigh everyday, that way if you start to gain weight, you catch it early, not after 25-50-100 pounds.
Please take it slow and drink slowly and often.
If you need anything, please let me know.
Hellen, So glad you are home and doing well. Take it easy the next few weeks and month, you will get tired VERY fast. Just remember sip, sip, sip. Hopefully you can make it to a LCBB meeting that I am at and we can met.
Glad your home! Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Hi hun,
So glad to hear that you are home and finally getting some real rest. I know trying to relax at the hospital is a nightmare! Continue to get lots of rest and take it very easy and very slow. Take as much time as your body demands and try your best to sip, sip, sip on liquids everytime you wake up. Take your time trying to get what must feel a million vitamins in. I'm here if you need anything or just want to talk about what you're going through. Tell Debbie I'm here for her as well if she has any questions or concerns. Remember no question is a silly one and no two people are alike. Listen to your body and follow it's lead to a healthy, happier life. In the meantime, me and the ladies will keep your spot warm on the looser bench!! Love ya hun!!!
Hello, my friend!
Well, the hospital wasn't a total nightmare. I'm just glad I'm home. Debbie is wonderful - she's not too tough & not too lenient. I've actually been up and out on a couple of walks so far. It's really helped get some of that "JUNK" out of my system that was causing some skull crushing headaches. I'm sipping everything in sight (within the guidelines, of course) and you are certainly right about the million vitamins!
I go back in the morning (Monday) to have the drain removed & the 'stab' wounds checked out. I feel remarkably well all things considered, but I'm not going to rush ANYTHING right now!
I sip, crush a pill, sip some more, walk, bathroom, nap, do whatever the good Lord guides me to do at the time.
Miss you! Love you loads,
{{Hugs}} Hellen
Wow up and on the computer too, you go girl, you rock!!!! I'm glad things are coming along well. I texted you earlier today to check on you, didn't want to call and wake you if you were sleeping. You'll feel even better once the tube comes out tomorrow. I'm so happy things are going very well for you. I am so proud of you my friend!!! I can't wait to see you back at work smiling and enjoying your new life. Tell Deb I said Rock on with her bad self. She's really great Hellen, I'm so glad she and I had a chance to finally meet. Talk to you soon, take care and have Deb send me a picture of that Cadillac of a treadmill you got!! Hee Hee