I am BACK!!!!
On the board for right now.... Thank you to Melissa, Pam, Jen, Dawn, Sharon, Becky, Patti, Karen, And Deb for those kind words to Mary's post.
Thanks to Mary and Susann for stopping by the hospital to check me. You guys left just in time. The bottom fell out after you left. About mid afternoon, I realized that I was oozing from either end of the incision. By the eveining the could not figure out what was going on, so Dr. Harvey told them the take the binder off and put ice where I was oozing. Well I decided to go to the bathroom, the next thnig I remember is waking up with about 6 nurses in my room and snigg smelling salts. I had passed out! My experience with East Cooper on the next day was not very good. I never got breakfast or lunch. It took them 4 hours to discharge me. I will never go back there.
But I am now at home and so needing to go to the yet so scared to!
Jen, it is not that bad... I have not taken my pain meds much. The valium rocks! I can not believe the pain I am not having. The biggest pain is the drain I hate it and can not wait to get it out. I am to call the nurse tomorrow with the fuid amounts. YUCK!
I hope everyone has a great labor day
Thanks for all your support, Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
The oozing has pretty much stopped except around the drain. But that is to be expected. I did tell Lauri about not getting anything to eat on Friday and she said she would let Dr. H know. Thanks for complaining for me. If I talk to the atty I know that represents them I will let her know about it as well. I finally got home between 1230-1pm. Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Hi Jill, I was just reading these post and saw you was interested in the mini pinchures. I have one of these as a pet. His name is Duke and is my baby of course. He does have a time with the bathroom thing. No matter how many times I take him out during the day and trust some days seems we are out there all day due to me working in my yards he still somehow loves to use the house at least once in a while. It is not a everyday thing but sometimes when we we leave him home I think he does it just to punish me for leaving him. Mini Pinchures are known for being very hyper dogs and Duke is no acception to this but with him it is not at all what I was expecting after hearing people talking about his breed. He is very hyper but seems he is only hyper outdoors. He jumps and plays like a wild man outside but when we come inside he reverts to being a lap dog. Just lays on my lap and sleeps until I get up to walk around and then he follows me where ever I go. I mean everywhere. The bathroom, the kitchen, anywhere. He will sit at my feet while I cook and if I walk to the sink he will follow and sit until I was again. He is quite funny and also sometimes a pain in the butt. But I love him and wouldnt have him anyother way i suppose. Anyway just wanted to tell you about mine and how much I love this one. All dogs have things they do that gets on our nerves I suppose. Like kids and men and etc. etc. etc. we just have to decided what we are willing to do to have something that has as much love to give in return as we have to give. Good Luck in what ever you do.
Jimmy Buffett
Hey Roomie! Yea, I just finished talking to the nursing supervisor about the whole experience. It was not all bad. When it came down to an emergency they were there. I still have to take it easy so I may not make it to an LCBB outing until next week. Dr. H ordered me on limited activity until I see him again on Friday, see my updated post.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!