im here
Whoooo! I am thrilled to read that your insurance will cover this for you! That's really good news!
I'm also really glad to know you're doing better than me ... I'm such a baby. I am in pain! I can't lay on my left side at all ... I get a really sharp pain when I try. And It takes a while before I can fully stand up straight ... it feels like my small intestine is knotted like a piece of macrame.
I'm so excited for you and your new tummy, Jen ... you keep yourself healthy between now and then!
take back everything i said..
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My stomach is killing me it feels like i had a tummy tuck if thats what it would feel like.. WTH did he do to us?!?! i cannot stand up straight now, have been taking 2 7.5 loritabs every 6 hours and my ribs feel like they are broken! i was going to call and compare notes.. bc i cant lay on my left side either, but can on my right if i hold a pillow. wheres your incisions? i have 3 on the lower "fat roll" below my belly button. but i feel like ive done 10,000 sit ups im sooo freaking sore. im glad ur doing okay. whatd they find out about u? lets get together and have a pity party! lol