Saturday LCBB Meeting
Hi everyone. Glad to hear that we are all interested in reeving up our Saturday meetings again. I have missed being with you all.
For all that are wanting surgery, scheduled for surgery or have already had surgery, please come. We all have so many questions, and those that have expereinced what we haven't, are willing to share with us. The best way to learn is to be a part of a support group.
I would like to offer to host the next meeting. I live in Summerville, in Waring Hall on Central Avenue. I am tossing around the date. Let me know what date would be best for you. Either September 1st or September 15th. 11:00 until 2:00.
Bring a covered dish to share, and I will have plenty of Water, Crystal lite and Crystal Lite Tea. I will also grill something yummy out on the grill. Please let me know if you will attend and what you are bringing.
If it is warm enough we can swim in the pool, or we can just stay inside and enjoy the company. If you would like to have a clothes swap, please feel free to bring them with you.
Be prepaired for our group photo and a huge weight loss total.