Reason's that BE (ranting and kinda long)
alot of people have pm'd me asking why the change in my pretty profile and my evil avatar...
Well here's the scoop...
I left last week, due to someone pm'ing me and finding it her place to point out to me that I'm evil and a biotch (well her exact words were *****), that I didn't deserve this surgery nor do I deserve to be on this site... she also took it upon herself to point out that what I put on my profile shouldn't be negative since people read that before surgery.... So I had OH to delete my account ... I had to start over and I didn't save anything...
Soooo !!! since I'm so evil, I figured I would put all my stuff in that catagory (sp?)...
To my knowledge, I've never been mean to anyone... to my knowledge, problems do happen after surgery, they can happen after ANY surgery... To my knowledge not always being rainbows and lollipops in giving answers by NO means you're not trying to support another person, you are just being honest... And last but not least TO MY KNOWLEDGE, WHAT I PUT ON MY PROFILE IS PART OF MY JOURNEY AND WHAT I'M FEELING AND MY PROBLEMS.... If that person didn't want to read what I have on my profile, then why read it? The profile is MY JOURNEY and my journey hasn't been a breeze...
Now onto the message board...
Not everyone wakes up from surgery feeling like they have tons of energy, they have no hunger, they have no pain... If YOU didn't that is GREAT, but YOU are not EVERYBODY... so when someone has asked how things went for you, you tell them YOUR journey... This surgery isn't all the rainbows for some people, it is a rough life for quiet a few...
I'm not posting this for attention, nor do I want attention... I'm posting this to let all those on my friends list what happened and why they're no longer on it... I miss my friends and hearing how they're journeys are going...
So to the one (I will not name) doesn't like to read my posts or MY PROFILE then please block me or simply skip over what I have to say !!!
Rant over...
Stephiealot of people have pm'd me asking why the change in my pretty profile and my evil avatar...
Well here's the scoop...
I left last week, due to someone pm'ing me and finding it her place to point out to me that I'm evil and a biotch (well her exact words were *****), that I didn't deserve this surgery nor do I deserve to be on this site... she also took it upon herself to point out that what I put on my profile shouldn't be negative since people read that before surgery.... So I had OH to delete my account ... I had to start over and I didn't save anything...
Soooo !!! since I'm so evil, I figured I would put all my stuff in that catagory (sp?)...
To my knowledge, I've never been mean to anyone... to my knowledge, problems do happen after surgery, they can happen after ANY surgery... To my knowledge not always being rainbows and lollipops in giving answers by NO means you're not trying to support another person, you are just being honest... And last but not least TO MY KNOWLEDGE, WHAT I PUT ON MY PROFILE IS PART OF MY JOURNEY AND WHAT I'M FEELING AND MY PROBLEMS.... If that person didn't want to read what I have on my profile, then why read it? The profile is MY JOURNEY and my journey hasn't been a breeze...
Now onto the message board...
Not everyone wakes up from surgery feeling like they have tons of energy, they have no hunger, they have no pain... If YOU didn't that is GREAT, but YOU are not EVERYBODY... so when someone has asked how things went for you, you tell them YOUR journey... This surgery isn't all the rainbows for some people, it is a rough life for quiet a few...
I'm not posting this for attention, nor do I want attention... I'm posting this to let all those on my friends list what happened and why they're no longer on it... I miss my friends and hearing how they're journeys are going...
So to the one (I will not name) doesn't like to read my posts or MY PROFILE then please block me or simply skip over what I have to say !!!
Rant over...
I hope you let OH know who this person is and what they said to you. No one should have to put up with someone like that. You are entitled to write what you want in your journal since it is part of your experience, weither it is a happy one or not. Anyone who goes into this with rose colored glasses on might be in for a rude awakening because, yes, not everyone has a picture perfect experience. I hope you rethink the evil ***** part Stephie, since I don't think you come close to fitting the profile, lol. It will be nice to see your new picture back on here again. Don't let one inconsiderate person, who obviously has her head in the sand, ruin this for you or anyone else on this board. We are all here to help each other and we all know,(well most all of us), that everyones experiences are not the same and will not always be what they might want to hear when facing WLS. If they don't want to face reality, then this board isn't for them, the need to go elsewhere.
Anyway, welcome back, you had me worried as to what happened to make you leave so suddenly.
SMILE and know that you do have friends on here who care about what you have to say. I hope one day we will get to meet in person, and if you ever feel like talking or maybe doing lunch one day, I would love to get together. My email address is [email protected] and my cell number is 238-9095, so write or call if you want to.
Lots of hugs!
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
hon there's alot out there that doesn't want to hear the bad or ugly parts of it... the one that was nasty to me didn't do it due to any posts I made public it was about my journal and my hernia repair pics ... that's what really got me... my journal was alot of work from adding my eatting plan that the docs gives us to the meds and vits that's ok for us... so now I will just leave the one post that I have on there and not add anything unless I can figure out how to make it where certain posts aren't viewed by all...
Stephie, I just wanted to let you know that I am glad you have come back. In my early stages out you inspired me so much. I really enjoy all the funnies you post also. Some bad apples out can mess up a good thing for other people. Thanks for all your in put on the board and I glad to see you back.
Tammy P.
Hi Stephie...I am glad to see you are back. I too hope you reported this persons to OH. They have no right to say that type of thing to you. Yes, we all go through problems and if someone has the same problems as you they need to know what you went through and how to get through it. You went through a lot.
Did you know you can make your profile private so that only those on your "friends" list can view it. That way you have a little control of who can and can't view what you have put..... just a thought.
Again, welcome back! Butttttt, I lived your pic a lot better!