Things I have learned last night
Last night was the world premiere of High School Musical 2 and I had 8 girls (4 tenyr olds and 4 7yrolds) sleep over and watch it. My wife accidently discovered that this was the weekend she had a "business trip" and could not be here, I'm on to her didn't do me any good but I'm on to her game.
Well-the night came and went. No one had to be rushed to the hospital, and I did learn a few things 1--Putting hairbows in my hair hurts; what the heck are you women thinking doing this 1a;Put away all digital camera's before agreeing to let someone put nail polish on you...this is a REALLY good idea-trust me. Who knew a 10 yr old could be so capitalistic? Those photo's cost me $50!! 2a; Having hot fudge sundaes at 10:30pm is not a good idea. Why you ask? see below... 2--At 3 am, there is no such thing as "talking rationally" to your children to go to bed, only the threat of bodily harm or the loss of webkinz will do 3--Holding a pair of scissors to a webkinz at 4am with the threat "I will do it--go ahead-make my day" will get young girls in bed quickly 4--At 5am you just don't care anymore, literally. My only thought was; there are 8 here, if I can end up with at least 6 by morning-I'm good 5--The weight it takes to pull a ceiling fan down out of the ceiling is at least coincidence the same weigh as one of the 7yr olds 6--Dogs don't like to have hairbows put in their hair, or like their paws with nailpolish 7--Never clean a ceiling that has hot fudge on it by holding your dog up to lick it---it will SMEEEAAARRRRR it all over 8--The loudest noise ever made is one made by 8 little girls and a spider, I think Guiness should find out about this one 9--Jumping out of bed from a sound sleep with wet nail polish on because there is a spider in the TV room is bad---you must first let it dry 10-making popcorn is easy;just push the popcorn button on the microwave--unless you are 7. 7 yr olds KNOW that popcorn goes in the microwave for 3,000 minutes!! She swears, 3,000 minutes-thats what her Mom does it for 11--the response time for the local fire dept to my house is 7 minutes!! 12--some 7 yr olds will not believe you when you tell them the time for popcorn is 3 minutes-not 3,000..and will feel the need to test this AGAIN at 4am, and again at 5am.... 13--the weekend fire chief for my area is named Jim-nice man. The third time he came to my house, I made him coffee and we chatted. He has a 6 yr old daughter-we're arranging a play date for later on this month 14--when you are cleaning up alittle-after everyone has gone--and you see this huge wad of hair in the garbage with gum in it and scissors on the counter...and you feel your hair (phew--not mine)...then you look at your kids (they look normal with their hair intact)....its best to rationalize that one of the fireman must have gotten gum in their ummm long hair and yeah-cut it out while they were here... 15--and finally....In the end, all you can do is just love them. They are precious---except for the one that charged me $50, HER-she's the she-devil. But the rest--priceless. There is always time for sleep, but life moves on fast and just enjoy whats put in front of you. By the way, camaro red nail polish looks really good on me...
Hope your weekend is just as fun and exciting as mine already is
-Garth Brooks