I need some encouragement...
First of all... Huge hugs and many thanks to you all! I am feeling better about my decision now. When I really thought about it, it is MY decision, and it is one I am willing to make. It seems easier to me than becoming diabetic and really not having a choice. I want to be able to chase my son around in a few months when he starts walking. I have just met with 2 people from church that had theirs done 5 years ago. They went to Dr. Byrne as well but had the open procedure done. They have no regrets, except that they hadn't done it sooner.
My DH and I made an agreement the other day that we are going to stretch together in the morning and he will go running while I do my Weigh****chers workout DVD. So far this is going well, and I have already seen some small results.
Thank you all again so much! I'm sure I will question my decision again before the big day, but I know once it is over I will be glad I did it. You are all so great!