LCBBers - please read and respond
I have been asked recently about a change in our meeting place/day, etc. I would like all LCBBers to weigh in (no pun intended) on this question. Here are some suggestions/options. Please send me your vote. If you don’t want to say anything on the Board, please PM me.
Option 1 – Stay at Pizza Inn on Thursday nights.
Option 2 – Go to Noisey Oyster on
Option 3 – Go to different places every week
Option 4 – Go to Pizza Inn on Thursday nights and once a month (like the third week of the month) switch to Tuesday night and choose a different place to meet each week Option 5 - Meet at someone's house on a given night a week. We could switch from house to house and even do this just 1 week a month.
Any other suggestions/options are welcome. We can then take a vote and see what everyone wants to do.
The other question is the day we meet. We could switch it up or simply change to a new night.
I do want to express that if we change places I will need some help in setting it up.
If you have an opinion on this, please voice it now….or forever hold your peace.

You know me, I do not care, as long as we met and it is in a central location. A lot of us are in basically the same area, but there those few that are on the out lying areas, like me on James Island. So what ever is decided, I think it needs to stay pretty much central to everyone. In a few weeks I will be able to help you out with this if needed. Driving way out once in a while is OK but not something every week. Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
I really do not care- I just need notice. Just like I told the group last nite- let's make a change 1x a month and see how it works.
We do need to get together.
What we need is Becky- she's the cheerleader of the group.
What has happened to the majority of the ppl? I know that I'm unable to meet sometimes due to work or son.
Anyhow, Susann, I know that I did not help the situation but I am putting my 2 cents in.

On another note I am so looking forward to the fall weather- I love it!!!!!!!!

I appreciate you offering for the next Saturday meeting. I think alot of us liked the idea. Do we want to meet somewhere different this week? My opinion if we do this then instead of the job being on 1 person every week to find a restraunt to accomadate us that every week a different person steps up and makes the calls or whatever is needed. I personnaly wouldn't be able to do it this week because of school starting up but probably next week.
My only concern though with the meeting being in different places is if a decision isn't made in advance of where we are going to be meeting is that either the person (ex. me)wanting to come will not know where we will be if they didn't get a chance to get to their email that day.
By the way:::: I have checked out Shoney's and they are avail. on Mon. Fri. Sat and Sun only.....I had thought about the banquet room.