Would you change anything?
I finally got my appointment with Dr. Ross. I am so excited (Thanks again to Dianne S) but I have said I don't want to be one of those people who feel they need to be ashamed of having the surgery so I have been open with all my friends and such about what I am doing so now that I finally have my appointment they are all trying to talk me out of it a little. I really have been 100% sure of what I wanted to do and now that everyone know it is getting close and they are questioning me I feel more 98% sure. My question to all is there anyone that just feels they made the wrong decision, a lot of people tell me just get the lap band but i personally don't feel that is right for me. I am just wondering if anyone has any regrets give me your input good and bad. Please! And how was your recovery, I have a husband and 3 children I am wondering how I will feel and for how long?
I don't know what I would do with out all of you!
Diane W.
I think all of us have been through the same thing. You will always talk to people who try to discourage you, and that comes mainly from being misinformed on the surgery. I have absolutely no regrets at all and would do it a thousand times over if I had to. It is the best thing I have ever done for myself. My recovery was pretty easy, I didn't even get my pain meds filled when I got home. Other than having to be on oxygen for less than two weeks, due to my O2 saturation dropping from too much fluid, I did great, but everyone is different so take that into account. I wish you all the best and don't let the negative people get to you.
Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy Buffett
Hi Diane
Welcome to Obesity Help and to our lil family!
you are in GREAT hands with Dr. Ross... he's more than just a doctor to his patients... he is a person that really cares about people... I lost my insurance right after my surgery and he was a miracle to me...
as for my surgery, I did have complications BUT it wasn't Dr. Ross's fault or the surgery's... I had a procedure done a year before called Nissen Repair to fix a hital (sp?) hernia and was told upfront that I might not be able to go through the bypass, but he would try to make me a pouch even though I didn't have much of the top of my stomach left...
I was a heavy smoker for 20 years and had only quit a month before my surgery so I ended up with breathing problems right after... they couldn't get my oxygen up so I spent a week in the hospital... I did stay sick with vomiting and the big D after for 6 months but again this was due to my Nissen and IBS...
I'm a year out now I'm down a 115 pounds from my highest weight of 240 (only a month before I started the process) 220 (day of surgery) and now I sit at 125 pounds some days... some days I'm down to 119 pounds...
Some ask me if I would do it again... well right after my incesional hernia repair that went BADLY I would have said NO, but it still wasn't the bypass's fault it was the Plastic Surgeon's fault that I had used...
Now after my incesion is all healed up I would tell anyone that YES I would do it all again and then again if needed... the bypass saved my life literally... 6 months before surgery the doctor that did the Nissen told me since that procedure had failed I was looking at 2 years to live... well now all my problems are gone and I'm down in the weight department...
Dr. Ross told me I should stop at 130 pounds even though I'm short, I have big bones and I don't look so good down lower but well I kept going .... I've slowed way down now on the weight loss and hopefully I can maintain it now...
Sorry this is so long, I get long winded sometimes.. *lol*
Good luck darlin and I know you'll be fine with Dr. Ross
Hi Diane...
Congrats on your appt!
I will tell you my experience because I was and am 100% up front with everyone that I was having, or had, the surgery. I had RNY on St. Patty's Day last year so I am close to 17 mths post-op and have lost between 115-120 lbs. RNY was the only surgery my Dr. did so I did not have a choice. But looking back, I would have chosen RNY over the band. I needed that permanent change. I needed the dumping syndrome. The decision on which surgery you have is a personal one. Only you can make that decision. Talk to your Dr. B. You are making the right step in getting opinions, go to the Lap Band board and lurk there. But you will find out, 9 out of 10 times, that which ever surgery the person had, that is the one they will recommend and say is the best!
You will also have those periods of rethinking everything, we all do. I almost canceled the surgery a week before. It is normal and natural to start rethinking, but do not let your friends be the ones to make you not have the surgery if that is what you truly want and feel is the right choice for you. Most of the time, when friends and family try to talk us out of the surgery they are scared. You will find alot of people in that situation. I was lucky I had 100% support from friends, family and co-workers. I have never had anyone make a negative comment about my decision. It was one of the best decisions of my life and would do it again in a heart beat. I also had an extremely easy recovery. I woke up with no pain or nausea. I only get sick when I have eaten too much or the wrong thing, a lot of sugar or white carbs.
Bottom line, this is a personal surgery and the choice is yours to make, not your friends.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Julie your decisions sound similar to mine. I really feel the RNY is what I want because I think I need that restriction and I hate to say this but I welcome the dumping syndrome because I feel like I need to know there is a consequence to doing the wrong things. I joke that if I had a drill seargent and a chef all the time I would be thin. I have felt like the lapband is more for people who can do it but can't keep it off. I have been researching for a long time and I really think this is the best choice. My family is really supportive of it, well I think it makes my hubby pretty nervous but he doesn't say it. My mom thinks it will be the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. My cousin has had the surgery. So it really is just my friends who I don't think really understand and also I don't look as big as I am and they really don't believe I am 248lbs. Jaws drop when I tell people that. I hate when people say you don't look that big. But they do shut up quickly when I say I am 5'1" and 248 I tell them it is not how I look but how I feel and the toll it is taking on my body.
Thanks for your support!
Diane W.
We do sound very similar. My friends would drop their jaws when I told them how much I weighed when I had surgery, 270 lbs. I never would say how much I weighed before surgery. They had no idea I was that big. I carried it all over so it was well hidden, plus I did wear shirts that were a couple of sizes are too big. I am glad to hear your family is behind you. My Dad was a little nervous, even though he would not admit it at the time, but thinks it was the best decision I made.
Good luck with all the pre-op stuff. This is an exciting journey you have started. Keep us posted and remember no matter how stupid YOU think the question is, ASK. We have all had those same questions and have been where you are now.
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Trust me honey. This will be the best decision you ever made in your life!!!! Sure, we all worried about things and the first couple of months will be tough as you adapt to your new life but life really isn't that different for me now that I am 10 months out. I'm so happy with my decision. It is the best thing you can ever do. My recovery was easy as pie. I went back to work in less than 2 weeks. I just had a hard time getting my protein in so I didn't have a lot of energy. But, now I have forgotten about all of the lack of energy and "head hunger" because i see the results. If you have any more questions just ask. That's what we are here for!
"This learning to live again...is killing me."
-Garth Brooks
-Garth Brooks