just when i thought things were looking up..
-Garth Brooks
on 8/6/07 3:35 am - PA
I'm so sorry to hear you have to have more surgery. I wonder why they can't do both of them together? I know it is done that way because I have seen women come in and have the hernia repair and TT together, mainly to get their insurance to cover the TT. Keep us informed of what 's happening with it, and try to have fun in FL. It will all work out so don't worry. Love Ya! Mary
Jimmy Buffett
i think those hernias are muscle wall hernias or incisional hernias.. mine is more of a bowel obstruction hernia where my intestines have gotten "loose" from the fat that used to be there and now are getting tangled up together like a web.. i think they should come up with a better term for it rather than hernia.. because its not really a hernia like most. weird i know. but yeah youd think they could at least do the hernia repair, then the tummy tuck all in one swoop. but *shrug* WHO KNOWS ANYMORE.. i hate today it sucks. .lol! on top of that i have my period so im ill and cramping on top of everything else! :) YAY (i also found out the plastics will be at patewood memorial, which is on pelham.. and that id be staying the night there, you think that is a good place to go to? i have never used anywhere in gville but hillcrest for wls.. thanks for the info youve given me!) and patti, im going in on the 10th of sept for another consult before surgery(which wasnt scheduled but i asked for it thought that was kinda odd) and i will get the copies of what they sent then for you. they wont give it over the phone or fax due to hippa. love yall and thanks for the well wishes! jen
Jimmy Buffett
yeah its the new one the memorial thing that they just built.. Well at least ill have a new place to stay at .. LOL. .and yes dr bour needs to do plastics!! he is doing the hernia repair. i hate that i cant have it all done at one time. really sucks. freaks me out too, bc when i had wls i said "no more surgeries! I hate surgery! Screw plastics ill have bad loose skin" and now ive forgotten about how horrible surgery is and now im going to have this hernia repair and remind myself how much i hate surgery only to have to go back a month later and have major surgery . Yeah im freakin out! lol. i think ill call dr bour and tell him ill be his geniea pig( i know i didnt spell that right lol) for plastics and let him tuck me at the same time LOL jen
Jimmy Buffett