2nd Appeal Committee Meeting/Conference Call!?

Alright, that's it, the gloves must come off now. It's time to fight dirty and toe to toe with Cigna. It's time to take all the kindness, niceness, patience, and understanding and throw it out the window. You are now in a fight to save your life and Cigna is standing in your way. What are you going to do? You're going to stand there and fight for what you need! Yes I said need, you don't WANT to have this surgery, hell none of us did, you NEED to have this surgery done to save your life and give you better quality of life! Be ready girl, write down all the medicines you have or do take and every illness you currently have that Cigna is paying for. Go online and pull some of your statements to show just how much Cigna paid for treatment of your morbid obese conditions just last year alone. Pull out the water works and really let loose, tell them how being obese is affecting your entire life both physical and mental. I pray that this is a wonderful step that ends in approval. I love ya and I'm beside (not behind) you 100%!! Robin