LCBB - Dr. Harvey
Hey Mary.
I called Dr. Harvey's office. I didn't get very good luck through. Lori and Cheryl were unavailable. I talked with the receptionist and she told me that I shouldn't come in for a consultation until January when my new insurance kicks in or it may be seen as a pre-exsisting condition. I was really hoping to get in there to talk to him to see how much weight he thought I needed to lose and how much I had in extra skin. Also, I wanted to talk to people to get information about the process not really start the process. I couldn't have the surgery until the spring or summer anyway. I guess I could just pay the $50 and not bill the insurance but I'll be spending that in gas just to get down there. Can you work any magic? I'll be going out of town this afternoon to my mom's. I'll be back Saturday evening. If you want to talk to me I'll PM you my cell phone number. Call me anytime!
Thanks for your help.

"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks