What's Your Exercise Wow
I have heard from several reputable sources that the art of racewalking done by Chris could be a spectator sport. You could charge admission and real people would pay to watch this racewalking. I have heard that it can change your life.....by making you laugh so hard you fall on the ground.
Mary that is awesome! I guess my exercise wow is when I don't go...like this morning....I feel so guilty!! I miss it!!!! I never thought that I would ever feel that way. I love exercising now. We are going to walk tonight and I can't wait. I feel so bad about not going this morning Oh I have another wow... I kicked my hubbies butt on the treadmill!!!! I never would have thought that I would be able to do that. He and I went last friday together and we stopped because he was ready. I was going much faster than him and at a much steeper incline!!!! yea me!!!
Counting the hours!!!!!!
Melissa R.
"I can resist anything but temptation"
Exercise WOW...well, I have to say I guess me just exercising is a WOW. Yesterday, a friend of mine has taken on the challange of being a personal trainer for me since I have never lifted weights in my life.
She works me out for an hour..and laughs at my moans and groans. Then even calls to check on me...so that is my wow moment, that I actually exercise.
She works me out for an hour..and laughs at my moans and groans. Then even calls to check on me...so that is my wow moment, that I actually exercise.