BOARD!!! Please tell me what OTC I can take to get rid of this stupid, dumb, irritating, sleep depriving disease??? Yesterday I ate tuna salad for lunch... the heartburn started an hour or so later. I dealt with it for a few hours until dinner time came around... I was at my sisters and took a few tums...not thinking much of it. Went home, tried to go to bed... BIG MISTAKE!!!!
fell asleep around 4am, woke up at 5:30am to go to work... STILL HAD THE HEARTBURN!!!
Went to the store this morning, got some more Tums and Zantac 75mg...
NOTHING IS WORKING!!! I have drank about 6 bottles of water this morning, but I promise I am about to DIE!!!!
oh boy heartburn is hell...... before my surgery I had reflux so bad it was staying at 98% all day long... then had the Nissen repair done and it failed so I still had 96% all day long... I was on protonix 3 times a day and carafate before each meal and bedtime.... now after surgery there are a few days I get heartburn and to me it's nothing like before...
when I go get heartburn now I try a cup of milk and then eat tums... if that doesn't help I grab a 1tsp of baking soda and little bit of water.... but others I know use Malanta liquid and they swear by it...
good luck and hope ya get rid of it soon
Hey Crystal,
I take the pepcid AC Complete... its a little bit pricey, but it works...... not always for long, depending on my life and sometimes these days I need more than usual lol, and then I am adicted to my morning coffee... uggh... but I trying to give up my afternoon cup!
For the first year out after my surgery I was on a prescription for heartburn meds and the name escapes me, you should call your doctor because long lasting heartburn can lead to serious issues.... (and i know.. I should practice what I preach uggh) but really... you could get ulcers or very sick. in the mean time there are meds over the counter, and your pharmacist can help you, but if you have a prescription plan with your insurance it might be worth your $$ to call your doc?
best of luck. :)