No going out for me...gotta pay vet bills!
-Garth Brooks
WOW Rachel.. those charges seem kinda high. Is this always with the same vet ? I mean I know's it the health of your baby were talking about.. but ... I would shop around. Lily was peeing blood .. .I took her to the vet.. they ran tests and took x-rays... and urine and stool samples.. etc... she had to spend the night.. I got 3 different meds.. and she had 2 follow up appointments and I think I paid a total of $120 .. I mean I know she's a cat.. but still...
I hope Drake get's better...
I rock..!!!
-Garth Brooks
I rock..!!!
Poor Little Drake... I feel so bad for him. I hope all is well and he does not need surgery. I agree with Stephanie those prices seem a bit high to me, especially the broken toenail. Since my Mom retired from a Vet Clinic, we get everything at cost.
I hope everything works out for the best,
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!