hello my name is jen..
Melissa R.
"I can resist anything but temptation"
-Garth Brooks
Good Morning Jen.... When I first met John... he was bouncing checks all over Atlanta.. He had no clue how to save or budget... When he got a notice stating he'd bounced another check.. he would be shocked.. when I asked him when the last time he balanced his checkbook.. his response was.. I keep it all UP HERE.. (( and pointed to his head )) .. he would also go by the balance on the ATM receipt. Needless to say.. after we got married.. I put a stop to that crap REALLY QUICK! If he uses the debit card.. he has to account for the transaction... and has to give me the receipt. The quickest way I stopped him from the spending spree's he use to go on.. is give him a set amount of cash. That's all he gets to spend.. with him.. I guess because he wasn't handing over cold hard cash when he would buy something.. it didn't add up to him. Now that he has to hand over cash for everything.. he thinks twice before he spends it. I know some people think this is a control thing on my part.. but you know what.. our bills are paid.. we have a nice house ... all our cars are paid for... and if we want to buy something.. the cash is there.... Try just using cash for a month... leave your debit card at home... give yourself enough cash to get through the month.. and be firm with yourself... NO DEBIT CARDS.. NO CREDIT CARDS!
I rock..!!!