Low Country Plastic Ladies
-Garth Brooks
Rachel, Come on down. I have my TT with Dr. Harvey on Aug 30th. You will love him. Let me know when you get your appt and I will join you guys for the post plastics appt! My pre-op is Aug 7th in his Mt. Pleasant office. At the time of surgery I will be 15 1/2 mths out. Dr. Harvery will tell you that as long as you are with in 10 lbs of YOUR goal then you can be considered for a TT. I have state insurance plan, MUSC Options and they took about a week and I need to have the rash and problems documented by my PCP. So make sure you are seeing your Doctor and tell him/her about any problems you are having. I wish you luck and keep us posted. Julie
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!