My digital scrapbook weight loss layouts
Sure! I made a web site a while back when I was laid off and was trying to get a business started. The link is
I use Paint Shop Pro 9 to do my layouts and am learning Photoshop CS2. I thought about creating some weight loss "quick pages" where all you have to do is add your pictures and journaling. Feel free to PM me and we can talk more.
Hey Karen:
This is awsome! I love it. I checked out your website and I am really interested in this for myself! I am looking for a hobby that will keep my mind busy after my six month honey moon period is over. You really have a wonderful talent for photography and the written word! Keep up the good work, and congrats on the tremendous progress you've made in the weight loss!
Terri H.
(I sat behind you at Monday's support group meeting . . . )
We are heading to the beach tomorrow and I will be out of pocket for a week. I will be glad to teach anyone that is interested in learning. You can also buy pre-made kits and pre-designed pages that all you have to do is add pictures and journaling.
I will miss you guys and will talk to you in a week.