Consult tomorrow!
Hi Sariah
Congrats on the consult. Dr. B is VERY straight forward and to the point. Do not be afraid to ask ANY questions, of any the people you will met today. With this surgery knowledge is power and the more informed you are you easier it will be to adjust to the new life style.
You should come to a LCBB meeting. We met at 6pm at the Pizza Inn on Rivers Ave every Thursday. VERY informal, ALL are welcome. Most of the Charleston area people on the board go. It would be a great time to met everyone and ask questions.

I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
WOW, boy is your life getting ready to change!!!!!!!! For the better.
Dr. Byrne is great. I simply love him to death. He will answer any question that you have. He tells it like it is. I would/and did trust him with my life. He is the best of the best at what he does, and truely cares about giving you a better life.
As Julie said, ask all the questions you can from everyone there. Also keep in mind that everyone is different. Everyone that you meet that has had the surgery will be so different. Me, I have done wonderful. The lady in his office that does the financial stuff, Mrs. Deborah, had the surgery the end of last year and she is doing great also.
Some of the most important things you can do for yourself is to educate your self, through this board, but mostly, through a support group. I started going about 3 months before my surgery and they taught me everything. These people that go to this group are so smart, helpful, supportive and loving.
Relax and enjoy your 1st visit. Make you a list of questions that you want to ask Dr. Byrne. Without my list, I always forget to ask him everything.
Thanks everyone! My consult went well, I should get a call today or tomorrow with a date for my surgery! Dr. Byrne said probably anywhere from 6-8 weeks is when I should expect to have it! WoooHooo! Thanks for all the support! I will try to make it to Pizza Inn tonight, is it ok if I bring my son?! Thanks again!