What is your favorite....???
Protein shake recipe
Its so hot I don't want to cook, I've been making bad choices, and I need some new ideas.
I have been making a shake with 2 scoops of vanilla protein powder, some OJ, lots of ice and half of a banana. It has lots of fruits sugars, but is very refreshing.
I need some inspiration, HELP ME PLEASE!!!

My absolute favorite protein powder I get at walmart.... its called Body by fortress and it is around 11.99 for a tub. I buy the choc and this is how i make my shake..
I have a magic bullet... LOVE IT!
take the plastic cup
add 3 ice cubes
sometimes use water, sometimes carb countdown milk never measure - maybe 4 oz?
2 scoops of protein powder
1 teaspoon of decaf instant coffee (love the mocha flavor)
1/2 packet of sweetnlow
1 teaspoon of hershey cocoa powder
then i whip it up....
I think its prob more protein then our bodies absorb at one time, but I always make it this way, because i just figured the stuff was so inexpensive and what if my body could absorb more ? lol
and I like it.. I do this mon-fri sometimes...
they also make a vanilla... and you could substitute frozen fruit for the ice if your body will tolerate it.