UPS where we meeting?
Nope, eyes are still swollen. It has gone down some but they still look down right stupid. I look like I have down's syndrome. I wanted to meet you guys but the eyes don't seem to be cooperating. If they look the slightest bit normal by 7 ish I'll be there.
"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks

Hey Everyone!
I don't know if I will be able to make the meeting or not. I had some kind of allergic reaction last night and both of my eyes are nearly swollen together. I can just barely see out of them. Last time this happened (and I have no idea why) it took 2-3 days to go down. It sucks. Anyway, if they go down today then I will be there, if not, I hope to see all of you next week.

"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks

-Garth Brooks

Good grief!!! I hope you are taking tons of Benedryl. That is so scary!!! My son had done that several times!!! It always starts with...." lips feel funny". When he says that I pump him full of benedryl and don't let him out of my sight!!!!!
I hope you feel better!! I would love to see ya tonight!
Melissa R.
"I can resist anything but temptation"