Got fiber?
Hi everyone!
I'm getting over a nasty bout of diverticulitis (had trouble clearing up the infection -- took two IV antibiotics, two weeks of augmentin and flagyl, and 10 days of cipro!) and was told to add fiber to my diet to try to prevent it from happening again. So I set out to find a good fiber supplement, and hit the jackpot!
Gnu Foods Flavor & Fiber bars are AWESOME! I've tried the Orange Cranberry, Oatmeal Raisin, and (my favs) Chocolate Brownie Bar. They also have Banana Walnut, but I haven't been able to get my hands on them yet.
Each bar has 12 grams of fiber (half of what your body needs daily), 3 grams of protein, and the Chocolate bar has 140 calories. The label says it has 9 grams of sugar, BUT that sugar isn't added simple sugar but fruit juice and grain dextrins. I haven't dumped or had any negative side effects from them at all -- and I even ate one Wednesday to deal with the hypoglycemia caused by dumping, and it simply stopped the shaking and made me feel better.
These things taste wonderful! I always say that if something seems too good to be true, it usually is, but in this case, they're amazing.
You can get them at Vitamin Shoppe.