Going Crazy - NEED HELP
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
I have never had to worry about stopping the habit of smoking but I have the nasty habit of wanting to eat all the time. I keep cold water at my desk and everytime I think about eating I get a sip of my water. I know it is just transferring my need from one thing to another but at least it is a healthy thing to transfer it too.
Good luck, I know you can do this!!!!
Julie, I am sooooo sorry!! I know that the Apothacare here in Greenville have nicotine suckers, bit i think there is sugar in them...sugar free gum?? the patch? I too am struggling with the cigs, I had quit for almost 3 months and then stressing sent right back to get my menthol fix... I hope it gets better for you... ~ Deidre
I rock..!!!
Julie, The Wellbutrin really does work. I quit taking it after surgery and have since started smoking again. I know that it's a nasty habit, but I just have to have something because I have given up so many other things. I hope that when you quit you are able to keep that up after surgery.
Take care,
To whom God's love commits me here
Ever this day be at my side,
To light, to guard, to rule and guide.
--A Catholic Children's Prayer
Julie, quitting smoking is 10% physical addiction and 90% mental addiction. I'm no one to give advice since I still smoke but when I did quit for this surgery, I used the patch. That wasn't always enough but motivation to quit so I could have the surgery seemed to be enough to keep me quit until after surgery. Just try to tell yourself that you are not going to smoke until 30 days after your PS. Maybe that will help, knowing you have a goal to meet. I chewed gum a lot and drank a lot of water. I tried to keep something to drink with me all the time. And like Eddie said, try exercising more. It won't really take your mind off wanting a cigarette but you will be doing something else so you won't be able to smoke one. Quitting smoking is the hardest thing in the world to do. I know how hard it is but you can do it! You have to! You've already been approved for plastics so that definitely makes it worth quitting! Keep your resolve and stop letting those damn cigarettes control your life. Everything I'm telling you now is what I will be telling myself in a few days. I'm going to quit smoking next week. Hope it works for me!!!