Thanks UPS
I had so much fun on my trip to Greenville. Kathy and Dawn taught me a new aspect of grocery shopping. If we weren't perfect WLS patients, we would to have had to sample the beer and wine and treats that were being offered. I had so much fun at lunch and shopping. Kathy, thanks for making me step out of my comfort zone. I loved it. Dawn, as always it was great to be with you. I miss you all so much already
Everyone looked so incredible last night. Meliisa I thought it was impossible for you to be more gorgeous than you were at the beach but you've done it. Kathy you looked beautiful and I loved watching you and your husband dancing. TOO SWEET. Rachel and Diane you've just got to come back to Charleston soon. I was happy to see everyone again and put faces to the names and in some cases new faces to the names. You are all gorgeous. THEN i got to sit by Dawn and Studmuffin. Thanks for making me laugh all night long. SM, I'm glad that you got up your nerve to come,. Sorry I had to leave before your table dance for Kathy. I heard it was incredible. Dawn, there's got to be many more glasses of wine and nights of laughs for us in the future.
Could a trip have been anymore perfect??? Thank you all for everything. Why didn't we take more pictures.
Can't wait for July and August.
love you all,
I'm so glad that you got to come up here to the upstate. It was great to see you again. I think the next several weekends may be hard since I have seen you the last 2 weekends in a row. Maybe we can meet in Columbia next time. Five points is a fun a place to party!! You looked beautiful and seemed to be having fun. That's just what we wanted. I hope to see you soon!!
P.S. Thanks for listening to all my drama!!! Sometimes I joke about it. Makes it easier to bare!!!
"This learning to live killing me."
-Garth Brooks
-Garth Brooks