New Girl here. About the Thursday meetings...
Hi Lori. I didn't know there was a Goose Creek/SC support group listed on OH, so I will have to check that out. As for our meetings, we have them at the Pizza Inn on Rivers Avenue (it is down by the No. Charleston Post Office). We are very informal and get there from around 5:30 to 6:00 and stay until 7:00 to 8:00 depending on how many and how gabby we are.
We have a great group of people and basically just sit and talk. Hope to see you there.
Pizza INN...OK...that's the one that Debbie goes to...she told me about that back before I had the WLS. (Hey Deb...look! I'm on the board!! )
I couldn't remember if it was Pizza INN or Pizza HUT. Great, I'll be there next week, then!
It's weird, but about a week ago I checked the Support Group link and saw 2 groups listed for SC--one in G'ville (I think) and one in Goose Creek. It even had an e-mail address there to contact the leader. Her name was Suzanne ([email protected]) ...I e-mailed her, but never heard back. And now the link to her email is no longer listed on the site. Guess they broke it up. Just as well...I'm looking forward to catching up with Debbie and Susan, anyway!
See y'all there!