Susan, and LCBB!
Susan, thank you so much for opening up your gorgeous home to us!!! it was great to see everyone and meet new people too! we had a blast! Thanks for the girls who went out with us Sat night, bc we would of gotten LOST without you! LOL.. Jill it was great to meet you! youre awesome!!! Julie. youre the best ! we had SOO much fun sat night and wouldnt of changed a thing! well.. except to of remembered more of it.. haha. Thanks for helping us find our way and being the great friend you are!!!
I can go the distance... I do not care how far... I know every mile will be worth my while.
My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my DOGS already think I am!
Jennifer, Thank you so much for these kind words. I feel like we had such a small slice of time together at the pool party and the laughs in the hotel room, and dinner at A.W. Shuck's... but they are moments I will cherish! You are quite the dancer!! "she's got leggggggs and she knows how to use them....." lol Julie is the best..... she knows those down town spots very well!! she is TROUBLE and she is a BAD INFLUENCE. lololol I can't wait to see you again and again! xoxo