Emotional Stuff
I have been thinking and writing in my journal about my emotional things since support group last week. I found this website, some of you
mighttp://www.bariatrictimes.com/ht already know about it.
There is a book I am going to order from it called the emotional first aid kit, after biatric surgery. I will let you know how it is.
mighttp://www.bariatrictimes.com/ht already know about it.
There is a book I am going to order from it called the emotional first aid kit, after biatric surgery. I will let you know how it is.
Hi Laurie,
Thanks for the information. Let me know how it is. Unfortunately..... ever since i had the wls, it seems my attention span to books is surely lacking. I seem to be able to read magazines and that is it! i read a few pages of a book and then I fall asleep.... the next day I FORGET what I have read... and then I have to start over..... It is sooooo frustrating. My DR tells me it is the 'age' thing.... so that truly pissed me off and I have NOT brought it up again. lololololol
Does this come in Cliff Notes? lol