Good Morning - Happy Father's Day! What's up today?
Good Morning, Friends.... Its Father's Day! What are your plans? It is odd, doesnt feel all that much like Father's day, my Dad is in Thailand. I called him last night, because last night was this morning....(are you following that???? lol) Well... we had a great chat. I miss him a lot. He is so excited for my new adventure this week.
Speaking of this week.... 3 day, 4 hours and 45 minutes as of this typing..... lol
So, i have no plans personally, I am doing some laundry and then iam going to pack. I spoke to Deb & to Trent last night. They are away at a wedding. They both sounded very happy. Can not wait to meet both of them and all of the folks that I will be fortunate enough to meet. YAY.
anyway. What are your plans today?
I am working today. Only 9 more hours to go!!!!!!!! WoooHooo!!!
I hope all the dads enjoy their day today!!!! I am going to see my dad this evening for a bit. My hubby wants to go for ice cream this evening for his Father's Day treat. My kids are all for that, too!!!
Hope you have a great day!!!!!
Melissa R.
"I can resist anything but temptation"
John and I are headed to the lake with the ski boat.. it's going to be 90 and clear skys today..
It's just he and I .. NO KIDS!!
I might even take him out to lunch at a marina somewhere.. for Fathers Day...cause I'm just that FREAKKIN sweet!!!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! I'm outta here!!!

I rock..!!!