lil update
hey gang
I'm still not doing good... I went back to the "Quack" PS yesterday and got the staples out after them being in since May 22nd.... I told him that I was in soo much pain that I couldn't even eat and that I needed something... Well he basically told me I was a DRUGGIE and he didn't ever give anyone more than 100 percocets what so ever.... now mind you this is for me to take 2 at a time every 4 hours ....... so now I'm no better off than I was... I was having dark bloody bm (sorry I know too much info) to now having nothing but nasty bile ....
I'm down to 118 pounds and was not wanted to go past 135... he basically doesn't care... I won't mention his name but a couple folks from Dr. Ross's office knows who I'm talking about.... this is one PS I would NOT even take my dog too....
anyway still in pain and my PCP is on vacation can't see him till end of june....
but I am forcing myself to try to go back to cleaning houses.... just pray for me that the owners don't come home and find me dead...
*love to all*
(deactivated member)
on 6/14/07 4:10 am - PA
on 6/14/07 4:10 am - PA
Seek a second opinion. Call Dr. Ross's office and ask him to see you. I'm sure he doesn't want you to weigh so little!! Its not good for you!
if nothing else, Dr. Ross may be able to recommend some supplemental nutritional drinks for you. This is bad. You are going to end up in the hospital. Bloody stools and Bile in your stools is not normal. Don't listen to this ******* QUACK!!!! He probably won't admit he was wrong until you are dead on the floor!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something!!! Or I am gonna drive up there and take you to the emergency room myself!!!!!!
OK, some tough love is comin atcha...
STEPHANIE!!! at some point you are going to have to take control of your health. I can understand a DR being cheap with narcotic RX... BUT you obviously have an underlying issue that needs medical attention. your lack of nutrition could be causing you issues with your liver.
The end of JUNE???? are you outta your right mind!!! Girl! Thats 2 weeks away... what kind of condition do you think you'll be in by then?
making the decision to have WLS was supposed to be to prolong your life. What was the point if you were just planning to give up later???? If you have HMO, go to the ER. If you have a PPO, then go to urgent care! Your PS should have referred you out, but since he thinks your a pill seeker... you are going to have to get proactive on your own!!!
Please hurry... I dont wanna have to call the ambulance and send them to your house... BUT I WILL!!!!
OK Stephie,
You know that I love you girlfriend, BUT I don't understand WHY you won't go to the emergency room?! Explain this to me!
Do you want to leave David without a wife?? I mean you have been through sooo much and have come so far to LET this happen to yourself!
YOU HAVE to take CHARGE of YOUR life and health, if you don't who will?
I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO YOUR FUNERAL STEPHIE! And that's what is going to happen if YOU don't get to the emergency room!!
And cleaning a house? If you are this weak and in this much pain how can you even think of cleaning a house??
You need to be thinking of YOU!!!! I'm sorry if I sound mad and upset BUT I AM!
I'm mad this has happened to you and I'm upset that YOU won't go to the emergency room.
I Love you my friend,
You know my phone numbers, CALL ME!!
Email me your phone numbers, I've been searching all evening for yours and can't find them.